Do you need to validate that something is a comma separated string and each entry should be then validated that it is a valid email, phone etc?
Simply add the following in your AppServiceProvider's boot function:
Validator::extend('comma_separated', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters, $validator) {
$entryRules = $parameters[0];
$parts = explode(",", $value);
if ($entryRules) {
foreach ($parts as $part) {
$entryValidator =
["value" => $part],
["value" => $entryRules],
["value" => $validator->getDisplayableAttribute($attribute) . " > Value"]
if ($entryValidator->fails()) {
foreach ($entryValidator->errors()->getMessages() as $validationErrors) {
if (is_array($validationErrors)) {
foreach ($validationErrors as $validationError) {
$validator->errors()->add($attribute, $validationError);
else {
$validator->errors()->add($attribute, $validationErrors);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
And use it like in the following snippet:
$something = "something";
$validator = validator(["value" => $something], ["value" => "comma_separated:email"]);
Simply add the following in your AppServiceProvider's boot function:
Validator::extend('comma_separated', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters, $validator) {
$entryRules = $parameters[0];
$parts = explode(",", $value);
if ($entryRules) {
foreach ($parts as $part) {
$entryValidator =
["value" => $part],
["value" => $entryRules],
["value" => $validator->getDisplayableAttribute($attribute) . " > Value"]
if ($entryValidator->fails()) {
foreach ($entryValidator->errors()->getMessages() as $validationErrors) {
if (is_array($validationErrors)) {
foreach ($validationErrors as $validationError) {
$validator->errors()->add($attribute, $validationError);
else {
$validator->errors()->add($attribute, $validationErrors);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
And use it like in the following snippet:
$something = "something";
$validator = validator(["value" => $something], ["value" => "comma_separated:email"]);
In my project, I have defined it in the $rules of my model class:
public static $rules = [
"datetime_from" => "required|date",
"datetime_to" => "required|date|after_or_equal:datetime_from",
"attendees" => "required|comma_separated:email",
"title" => "required|min:3|max:255",
"description" => "max:2000",
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