The right way to set your objectives[1] is by setting S.M.A.R.T. ones. S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time bounded. Those words describe the attributes that your objectives should have.
- They should be Specific, so that you know exactly what is your target.
- They should be Measurable, so that you can check whether you reached your goal or not. You should also note that if your objectives are measurable, then you are able to calculate the possibility of fulfilling your objectives.
- They should be Achievable, so that there is a meaning to try. Trying to do something impossible is meaningless and costly.
- They should be Relative, so that there is a logical connection!
- They should have Time bounds, so that you know when to check whether you have achieved your goals, or whether you should stop trying to do so.
You can also watch the following video for even more details about setting S.M.A.R.T. objectives:
[1] This technic on setting objectives can be applied even in case of personal objective, like losing weight, depositing money or whatever!