Σάββατο 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

Wicket TagIt!

I am not a web designer, but I really like fancy UI Components! Such a widget named Tag-It, which I tried to "wicket-ize"[1]!!

What is Tag-It?

  • Tag-It is a nice jQuery widget that lets the user enter multiple values that are kept in a old time classic input text field as a comma separated string. 

Why do I need such a component?

  • User Interface is not in 3NF!! For instance a single field might be used to enter multiple values.
  • Your users do not like scrolling, so you should render as less UI components as possible.
  • Your users are lazy and they want you to guess what they want to write, this feature is called autocomplete[2]! 

[to be continued when I will complete the implementation and testing of my TagIt-Wicket-ized. If you are interesting on this stuff contact me and I will send what I have done so far..]

[1] I will soon publish my implementation as open source, but I am still working on that.
[2] Sometimes you guess wrong, or even worse you don't allow your user to write what really want to. I have such an experience using my iPhone 4s writing in Greek.. most of the times it guesses wrongly!!

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