Σάββατο 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

How to export mysql without using the buggy Workbench!

Today I was trying to export a mysql schema, but it was impossible to do so through the MySQL Workbench due to unexpected error!! Thanks God, there was another more traditional and stable way to do so.. this way was by using the mysqldump command through the command line! The syntax is pretty easy and the whole process much faster than through the MySQL Workbench: mysqldump --user=XXXXXXXX --password=XXXXXXXX --databases DB_NAME --tables TABLE_NAME > backup.sql

Τρίτη 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

Finance and Econometrics

This semester I am attending Finance course. It is a really interesting subject, but it is too hard learn all this in just a single semester! While I was searching for resource, I found a collection of short video casts that explain the fundamentals. In case that you are intersted in Finance, visit the following link using a Safari browser.


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